Module 1 : Signals in Natural Domain
Problem 5 :
Problem 5   

Let x(t) be a continuous-time signal, and let

                                               y1(t) = x (2t) and y2(t) = x(t/2).

The signal y1 represents a speeded up version of x(t) in the sense that the duration of the signal is cut in half. Similarly, y2(t) represents a slowed down version of x(t) in the sense that the duration of the signal is doubled.

Consider the following statements :

   (1) If x(t) is periodic, then y1(t) is peiodic.
   (2) If y1(t) is periodic, then x(t) is peiodic.
   (3) If x(t) is periodic, then y2(t) is peiodic.
   (4) If y2(t) is periodic, then x(t) is peiodic.

For each of these statements, determine whether it is true, and if so, determine the relationship between the fundamental periods of the two signals considered in the statement.

If the statement is not true, produce a counterexample to it.